During this difficult, confusing, and frightening time, I acknowledge the challenges we are all facing during the COVID-19 pandemic and related restrictions. CMCSS and TSSAA has officially announced the cancellations of all Spring Sports and this includes Track & Field. I want to personally thank all of the participants, coaches, managers, administrators, parents, and everyone else who has dedicated a tremendous amount of time, passion, and effort to CHS High School Boys Track & Field.
For those individuals who placed an order with BSN sports for any uniform item, it will be provided to you as soon I receive them. I will personally contact you.
I completely understand that this is difficult, but the lessons you’ve learned and friendships you’ve made through participating with CHS Track & Field will last your lifetime. We look forward to the resumption of high school athletics during the 2020-21 school year. Thank you again for patience and understanding throughout this process
Coach Bonilla, Head Coach
Coach Torres, .Asst. Coach